Saturday, September 27, 2008


Well, I survived last weekend helping to take care of Michelle's quadruplets and now hope to survive the next week with Melody missing her 4 favorite friends. She plays with the quadruplets everyday.... ONE WEEK!!!! Does anyone know just how long one week is to a four-year-old? So far, it has been one day and she is already going crazy without them. Things are a bit worse for her little brain to wrap around because I just got back from having to go to St. George on business. She won't let me out of her site. I think she is secretly scared that I am going to leave her for longer than 3 days. Michelle, you might have to bring her something back so that she forgives you for taking the kids away from her for longer than a few hours, and you might have to bring me something back so that I will forgive you for leaving me with your psycho cat that thinks I am its lover. Yes, you all heard me, the cat is so enamored with me she dares to venture upstairs when the quadruplets are awake and strung out on caffiene just to find me, sit on my lap, lick me like a dog, and purr so loudly she could wake the dead. Nothing like a "bass-ackward tabby" fur covered shirt to brighten my day. If you are out of those sticky roller things when you get back Michelle, it wasn't my fault.

Anyway, I posted the headline here as turbulence and I think that is how my life feels right now, turbulent. Melody didn't deal well with me being gone and when I got home I found out that Kai, our geriatric black lab, has an aural hematoma. For those of you who don't know what that is, it is a blood pocket in her ear flap and it is very painful. Everytime the puppies came near her, she growled and threatened to attack. I was hoping to have today to rest and get over the fact that the plane ride home last night was so turbulent I puked. I've never been airsick before. Anyway, I realized this morning that relaxing was not in my schedule. Melody kept waking me up this morning to make sure I was still at home, still loved her, and to ask me to please get up and watch Disney Channel with her and play video games. I had to get Kai to the vet before she had it out with one of the puppies and I had a much bigger vet bill on my hands. Got Kai to the vet and went to pick up Melody from grandma's during a birthday party for a neighbor so that took a while to pry her away from the cake then went to Michelle's to give the "bass-ackward tabby" an insulin injection. I'm finally stopping now to rest. All of my days for as long as I can remember go something like today where I don't stop running. I don't think these days will ever slow down. Maybe I just thrive on chaos and without chaos life would be too boring for me to thrive.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Pictures for Absence

Sorry about my toes in the picture. I know they are ugly.

I can't believe I found the time to put this picture up. What a busy day I had. I just got back from taking care of Michelle's geriatric cat and dog and when I arrived at her house I heard the kids talking and getting into trouble and Jeff telling them, without getting upset, "go to sleep". I don't think I could keep my cool in a room with four kids at 11pm telling them to repeatedly go to sleep. The kids had to run out and see who was there. I told them to go to bed and headed downstairs with the cat's and dog's medicines. Aunt Stacey must have the magic touch, 3 minutes later when I headed up the stairs all was quiet on the western front. I wonder what tomorrow will bring.


Yes, I know I've been absent for a while and here's the reason... I've been madly crocheting an afghan for a friend due to have a baby last Friday. I finished it this past Tuesday morning and gave it to her. As of 5:00 today she still has not had the baby and her doctor said she is going to let her go until she is 3 weeks overdue!!! Yep, 3 weeks. So, 2 more weeks from today, the doctor is going to finally induce her. We discussed today that babies do things on their own time even after they are born and that sometimes dates are off. We were originally told that Melody was due between Christmas and New Years. Then we were told she was due November 10. Michelle made the comment to me that usually if they are off on calculating due dates they are off in 4 week intervals and moving Melody's due date up 6 weeks didn't make any sense. Yes Michelle, you were right and you know it. Melody came when she was ready and 8 weeks different than her original thought due date. She came early November 1.

I'm currently taking care of Michelle's quads and using one of her computers to blog so I will post a picture of said "madly crocheted" afghan as soon as I can get to my camera and my own computer... Not sure when that will be. I'm hearing lots of noise from the 5 kids so I hope that's a good sign that they are not into the worst kind of trouble..... quiet trouble.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Diva Moments

Melody is so cute! She is on cold medicine right now to keep her coughing under control so we all can sleep. I don't know if it is getting extra sleep that is making me more tired during the day or if I am getting her cold. Her cousin, Amanda, told me that Melody and she are having problems with the "bless yous". That's sneezing for all people out there that don't speak 4-6 year old lingo. Anyway, this morning after a bunch of sleep and letting me know that it is not a "fwog" stuck in her "froat" she decided she wanted to have some "diva moments" and make me take some pictures of it so here they are.

Yes, those are High School Musical pajamas she is wearing. She hangs out with her soon to be 8 year old cousin that has more than happily educated her on HSM, Hannah Montana, etc. and as you can see I really need to clean my dresser off. The last picture is of Melody and the dogs. She really wanted a picture of her taken with them. The big black furry critter is Kai. The cream/gold colored one popping up behind her is Winnie and the one down the hallway you can't see is Cinder.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Look Ma no cavities

Well, I took Melody to the see the dentist today. It is the first time we have ever gone there and been told no cavities. Yeah!!! I'm so excited not to have to take her back and put her through fillings again. The dentist let her have 2 toys for not having any cavities and it was his only patient of the day without any cavities. Hopefully, all visits are like this one. She has already has had 9 fillings done. Poor little girl.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Sharp Teeth?

Here's a story from a few days ago that I know some of you can appreciate. Melody was playing with her quadruplet cousins, as usual, and got punched by Mason. I think she was irritating him, as usual. Well, she got mad at him for punching her and she caught his hand and bit his finger. As I was disciplining her for her actions and was letting her know that making Mason bleed was not an answer to him hitting her she asked me what I meant by telling her that he was bleeding. I showed her that his finger was bleeding from both sides and that her teeth had done that damage. She looked at me and simply said "he can't be bleeding, I didn't even use my sharp teeth." I had to turn my head as I laughed.