Well, I've gone and done it.... yep.... set up a blog. I'm doing this for a few reasons.
1. To tell everyone the stories of the crazy things Melody does.
2. To keep everyone informed... of what, I don't know.
3. To help my sister, Michelle, with hers. If I can figure all of this out then I can teach her.
4. Some sanity?
Let me set up a bit just in case you come upon my blog and don't know who I am. My name is Stacey. I have a daugher named Melody and a husband named Joe. I will add pictures, etc. as I go as it is to late tonight to do that.
I should tell you that today Melody and Michelle's son, Jaxon, got in a wee bit of trouble. It is nothing unusual for the two of them to find something distructive to do with their time. Anyway, my sister's kids turned on the hose and I asked them to turn it off, but by then, it was too late. There was a mud puddle being made larger by the sweet little ones and their wet form of entertainment. They reluctantly listened to their dear auntie and turned off the hose. All of the kids came in the house and sat on the couch except the two little angels. When everyone was in the house, Jaxon and Melody proceeded to noisly "wash" the windows with the mud. I think I came to appreciate today why I sleep with one eye open and it has nothing to do with fear from the outside world.